Breastfeeding Struggles

When I was pregnant I had my birthing plan down to a T, I did maternity tours at hospitals, I took parenting classes, I watched every baby story there was. When my doctor asked formula or breastfeeding, there was only one option for me BREASTFEEDING!

I started off breastfeeding my other kids but it didn’t last more than a month, and I didn’t have the patience or time to push through. But with Damion I was determined to not only breastfeed but make it to my goal of 1yr. We started off rough, who am I kidding it was bad. The pain was indescribable, my nipples hurt if you looked at them. And my poor baby I just knew he was starving. I was depressed and crying all the time, everybody told me to just give it up but I refused. I was determined to have this experience with my son, and give him the best of me. So after the countless Youtube videos, blogs, and the sessions with my lactation specialist we got through it.

Everyday became easier and easier and what started off as one of the worst experiences as a mother I’ve had, became my peace, the one moment of the day where I can escape mentally. Not to mention the bond with my son is everything. Now that we have gotten past the rough parts we are now at a crossroad, because I am now PAST my goal of 1yr with no end in sight!

So my mommy friends I desperately need your help, advice, tips anything, what did you do to wean your little ones off of the nip?!! I just want to drink a glass of wine in peace, I’m tired of the pump and dump 😒.

-Signed a Breastfeeding Momma