Santa The Myth

Is Santa Claus coming to town

Since we're a week away from Christmas lets talk about the myth of Santa Claus and when is the best time to tell your kiddos that Santa ain't real?!.

At the moment Aj still believes in Santa, he recently asked me "ma is Santa coming down our chimney?. And to that I responded "I'm not sure if he's coming this time because of Covid-19"! Of course there was a million questions that followed because he's at the age where he questions everything.

But I felt like this was the perfect opportunity to end the myth of Santa, and not because I wanted to be the Christmas hero and save the day with all the presents under the tree. But because I know one day he's going to ask why didn't I tell him there's no Santa. I dont want him to think I just go around not being honest, or that I'm a hypocrite when I preach to him about honesty.

I know I know there will be things that we keep from our kids to protect them but this aint one of them.

Are we having those conversations with our kids?
Or do we let them find out on their own?!...

Lets Talk!

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